New Arts Sponsorship grant applications are now being taken for the new financial year with the pot of cash replenished for 2015/2016. Arts & Business Scotland (A&BS) which administers the scheme has released new guidelines for the coming year. New for this financial year is the introduction of two application forms depending on the amount of sponsorship being applied for with a simplified version for grants of between £1,000 and £2,000. The maximum grant is £40,000.
The NAS scheme, funded by the Scottish Government, encourages arts and cultural projects to seek business sponsorship which can then be matched through the initiative. The NAS scheme was introduced in 2006 to support cross sector partnerships between the arts and business. It acts as an incentive for businesses which are new to arts sponsorship and to entice back businesses which have previously sponsored the arts but not since 2011.
A&BS Chief Executive David Watt said: “We are delighted to be inviting applicants to apply for New Arts Sponsorship funding for the tenth year. This initiative has proved to be a huge success, not only in terms of the sheer volume of investment into the arts via the scheme but in terms of the amount and geographical spread of projects which have benefitted.”
The new guidelines and applications can be downloaded from the grants pages of our website.