Whether you’re setting up an individual giving scheme or have one in place that you’d like to develop further, Pam Judson provides expert advice and insight on psychology, strategy and implementation in two live classroom online sessions over two days.
Over two three-hour sessions, Pam will use case studies, presentations and discussion to cover:
- The current post-covid fundraising landscape in Scotland and how this may affect individual giving
- The potential roles of individual giving in fundraising in the heritage sector – how does this fit with your organisation?
- Why individuals give – and exploration of the psychology and motivations of individual giving
- Membership, friends and other subscription models – the pros and cons
- The five key elements in an effective scheme
- Different strategies to consider and how to implement them
- Adding value to your model
By the end of the course, you will:
- Have a fuller understanding of the potential role of individual support in you organisation
- Gain insight as to why individuals might give to your organisation
- Have several concrete models of individual support to consider implementing
- Be able to determine the most appropriate strategy to apply to your chosen models
Ideal if… you are new to increasing individual giving through subscription, direct debit or membership and friends’ schemes or if you have an existing scheme that you’d like to develop further.