C&BS Fund

From idea to innovation

Designed to support innovative and mutually beneficial partnerships between culture and business organisations across the country and across the arts and heritage sectors, the C&BS Fund is an investment programme which receives direct investment from the Scottish Government.


Since the launch of the programme in 2017, a total of just over £3.1 million has been invested with 169 C&BS Fund investments made across all 32 local authority areas, including sponsorship by businesses to the value of just under £1.75 million.


For 2024-25, culture organisations (arts and heritage) can apply to the C&BS Fund for up to £1 for every £2 invested by the business organisations. The minimum investment request is £1,000, so the minimum business sponsorship must be £2,000. It is possible to apply up to two times, provided the total C&BS Fund investment does not exceed £10,000.


Please note, we reserve the right to amend the Guidelines and the application process at any point. If you are a previous C&BS Fund recipient, please ensure you have read the latest Guidelines before proceeding with an Expression of Interest.


We are hugely grateful to the Scottish Government for their continuing support of this unique investment programme for culture and business in Scotland.

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The Royal Edinburgh Military Tattoo & Thistle Shoes Scotland

These shoes were made for dancing!

Over 900 of the world’s most talented performers make up the cast of the Tattoo and, among those, are a group of 50 highly experienced, traditional Scottish dancers. The demands of so many performances, 26 over a relatively short period of time, has – not surprisingly – a huge impact on the dancers’ physical wellbeing as well as their costumes and especially their shoes. When Thistle Shoes Scotland stepped in, a fabulous in-kind sponsorship story was choreographed…

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Glasgow City Heritage Trust & Norbulk Shipping UK Ltd

Why Glasgow will always be gallus…

In the mid-19th century, ‘bird’s eye view’ illustrations of British cities were all the rage and one of the most celebrated is Thomas Sulman’s sketch of Glasgow, depicting the city on the cusp of becoming the ‘Second City of the Empire’. Gallus Glasgow is a fabulous contemporary perspective of Victorian Glasgow created through the digitisation and animation of Sulman’s original drawing and supported by an extensive outreach programme.

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Journey to the East Productions & E G Business Equipment Pty Ltd

When east meets west

Journey to the East is a nine-day festival that celebrates and platforms the best in Asian contemporary arts and Eastern performance. The focus of the festival is to provide Scotland with a window to Eastern artforms and practices, delivered via a multi-artform approach including live performance, music and film.

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