Arts & Business Scotland (A&BS) are seeking to commission creative practitioners to work with us on two projects in support of the Awards 2014 event in October.
Each of the Award-winning partnerships are presented with Awards objects that are specially commissioned to be created by a Scotland based artist/ maker/ designer to reflect the fact that the Awards are about enabling and supporting a vibrant cultural sector in Scotland.
School project
The Awards event is an opportunity to showcase local cultural engagement activities that take place within the catchment area of the city hosting the Awards. One element of this is to commission a creative practitioner (artist/ maker/ designer) to work with a local school to create decorative piece(s) for the Awards event.
The annual Arts & Business Scotland Awards are the leading celebration of arts and business partnerships within Scotland and the party announcing the winners and shortlisted partnerships is one of the most eagerly anticipated events on the business and cultural community calendars.
Arts & Business says …
"We have much to be proud of when it comes to the quality, range and breadth of cultural activity in Scotland and the Arts & Business Scotland’s Awards will bring the spotlight onto some of the most vibrant and successful collaborations in the country."
David Watt, Chief Executive