Whether you’re a complete beginner, Instagram enthusiast or skilled photographer, Discovering the Darkroom is a fun and informal introduction to film photography.
Led by experienced tutors, this half-day workshop is perfect for people working at all levels in your organisation and provides an opportunity to explore creativity and try something new. It’s great for teambuilding and bonding away from the workplace or bringing office-based and home-based staff together.
Each participant will receive a starter pack of a camera and roll of black and white film ahead of the session. Supplied with a short brief and a little inspiration, they’ll shoot a full roll of film – the subject(s) being anything they please – and we’ll pick up the cameras ahead of the event. (If you prefer, we can also organise and facilitate a film-shooting session.)
Discovering the Darkroom then takes place at Stills, where everyone receives the negatives from their film and is guided through the basics of analogue photography. They’ll spend the session learning how to read their negatives and create contact sheets, ending up with their own prints to take home.
Evidence shows that taking part in the arts and building new skills can positively benefit health and wellbeing. Learning something new, and embracing creativity improves self-confidence through the opportunity for self-expression, and can alleviate stress and anxiety, contributing to improved health and wellbeing. As everyone shares their photographs and learns how to develop prints together, they’ll initiate new ways of working and communicating to solve problems as well as exploring their artistic side, which can contribute to enhanced productivity and new creative solutions in the workplace.